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Cursing on TV: Will permissible language change?

Songs like "Forget You" by Cee Lo Green have been altered to play on broadcast television because of the prohibited-for-TV language originally included in them.

Supreme Court weighs policing curse words on TV

However, that may change as the Supreme Court takes up the issue.

Free speech advocates are keeping a close eye on this case -- and so is "CBS This Morning."

On the broadcast, Erica Hill, Mo Rocca, Charlie Rose and Gayle King took up the question of "What makes people curse so much?" with comedian Tom Papa on "CBS This Morning."

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Papa, who doesn't swear in his act, said the content of his performance is the most important thing for his audience.

"If people are cursing, if that's not original and funny, that doesn't last either. I think it has to do with the content," he said.

As for TV, Papa said cable is the model. "If things are dirty and people are cursing, that's OK, if you know what you're getting," he said. "As a parent, as a father, I just don't like surprises. I don't want to sit down and have (Disney TV show characters) Phineas and Ferb throwing the F-bomb."

However, sometimes Papa said he does use those words because they carry power.

Papa noted that some shows like "Seinfeld" were great, even though they didn't use swear words. "It forces you to be more clever," Papa said.

Mo Rocca added that other shows, such as "South Park," do use curse words and are "great, smart, satirical show." He added, "If the show weren't (great), it wouldn't last."

For more on the cursing in entertainment -- and in real life, watch the full discussion in the video player above.

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