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Create, Manage, and Share Presentations with SlideRocket

PowerPoint? Never heard of it. SlideRocket lets you author, store, tag, share, search, and collaborate on presentations from the comfy confines of your browser.

Though similar to services like Spresent (to say nothing of Google Docs and Zoho Show), SlideRocket beats them all in the flash department (and not just because it relies on Adobe Flash). With it you can put together some seriously impressive presentations, as evidenced by the sample up top.

What's more, SlideRocket can import existing PowerPoint presentations and run presentations on your PC even when there's no Internet connection (thanks to an Adobe AIR-powered desktop client).

SlideRocket is free while in its public beta phase. Pricing for the final product has yet to be determined. Here's hoping they keep it reasonable, because this is one cool tool. [via Web Worker Daily]

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