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Chris Christie launches first attack ad in reelection campaign

Gov. Chris Christie, R-N.J., on Monday launched the first attack ad in his bid for re-election, tying his Democratic challenger state Sen. Barbara Buono to former Gov. Jon Corzine, D-N.J.

"Meet Barbara Buono, Jon Corzine's budget chair - now running for governor," a narrator says in the ad. "Buono voted 154 times to raise our taxes -- like the sales tax, the income tax, health care taxes, even small business taxes."

Christie's campaign is spending nearly $850,000 to run radio and television versions of the ad. In an earlier ad, Christie boasted of his Jersey pride and willingness to work with Democrats.

A recent Quinnipiac poll out of New Jersey shows Christie -- a potential 2016 presidential contender -- defeating Buono by more than 30 points, 58 percent to 26 percent. Most New Jersey voters, 78 percent, don't know enough about Buono to form an opinion of her, but as many as 66 percent said Christie deserves reelection.

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