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Cell phones cause cancer. No they don't. Yes they do.

The latest entry in the decade-long debate over cellphone use and cancer suggests that previous research has failed to establish a provable connection.

"There is unlikely to be a material increase" in the risk of tumors in adults within 10 to 15 years of their first use, cautions an international committee of experts writing in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives.

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"Although there remains some uncertainty, the trend in the accumulating evidence is increasingly against the hypothesis that mobile phone use can cause brain tumors in adults," the report states.

In May, the World Health Organization issued a report which listed cellphones under the umbrella title "possibly carcinogenic to humans, suggesting at least the existence of a tenuous link between cellphone use and cancer. (That group also included items such as marine diesel fuel and coffee.)

This likely will not shut the door on the controversy as the report stopped well short of claiming there was no definitive connection between the use of cellphones and the incidence of cancers. Reading through the literature, one is at risk of getting whiplash. For instance, CNET notes that a Swedish research institute issued a 2004 report claiming that a decade or more of cellphone use can cause tumor growth. Three years later, Israel's Weizmann Institute of Science found that as little as 10 minutes of using a mobile phone could trigger changes in the brain that are associated with cancer

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