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Boston suspects planned for more attacks

As life in Boston begins to return to normal, major questions remain unanswered. The motive behind last week's Boston Marathon bombings appears to still be unclear, as it was on Sunday morning when Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick told Bob Schieffer on "Face the Nation" that investigators didn't yet know what the motivation was.

Investigators are discovering the attacks could have continued. They've found evidence that indicates Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev had plans for even more devastation. Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis said he believes the evidence shows the men "were going to attack other individuals." Read what some of that evidence includes in USA TodayTIMEHuffington PostThe Miami Herald, and Newsday.

But now that the elder Tsarnaev is dead and the younger Tsarnaev is in custody, Patrick and law enforcement officials are confident the threat is over, as the Associated Press reported.

CBS News: Boston may never be quite the same, says Patrick

The New York Times quoted Patrick saying, "You can feel the relief at home" now that the younger Tsarnaev is in custody. The Boston Globe also cited Patrick's confident statement that the threat was over in a story that included other officials who have expressed the same idea.

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani remembers running his city after the September 11th terrorist attacks, and he talked about how a city goes about recovering after a tragedy like the bombings. He also talked about being in London during the subway attacks of 2005, and said those attacks and what happened last week in Boston. Read about the comparison in Politico. Former (and first) Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge appeared with Giuliani to share his insight, too.

CBS News: Ridge, Giuliani: Background check expansion would be "positive first step"

The duo also edged into talk about last week's failed background check amendment in the Senate. Both expressed regret that the background check proposal that closed the gun show loophole failed, and they also said it was time to do more to address the mental health aspect of gun control. Politico explained Giuliani's argument that last week's bill's failure to address mental health gave politicians an easy "out" to vote no. Read more on that from Newsmax, too.

Newtown Victims' family members: We're not going away

The strongest voices in favor of gun control on Sunday's "Face the Nation" came from family members of victims of December's Newtown shooting. Neil Heslin, Erica Lafferty and Carlee Soto appeared together to explain why they weren't giving up on gun control legislation. Read how they "slammed" senators for gun control's failure in Huffington Post, and turn to The Journal News to find out what they'll do next. PoliticoNew York Daily NewsThe Hill, and MSNBC all looked at why Lafferty was "disgusted" and why they weren't going away.    

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