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Bootcamp: Web Flight Bargains

Some internet travel sites, with a difference. Cheap ticketsÂ…and rich information.

You may have already heard about the kinds of travel bargains you can find online. Now, there's a web site that lets you name your own price for air fare. Jay Walker is the founder of

" is a buying service where a customer can go to our web site and in just literally five minutes...make a request for a ticket at the price they want to long as they agree to let a major airline pick the flights where it has empty seats."

You get a good deal...and the airlines fill those empty seats. You can make one request ...for up to eight seats.....for each trip. How much can you save?

"The answer is quite a bit."

In fairness to the airlines...Walker says he can't be more specific. There are plans to expand the concept to car buying....and home mortgages.

Another different kind of travel Russell Johnson's Connected Traveler. With video and audio, Johnson has created a personal webzine of sorts....

"It's not like a typical travel web site...where to go...what to see.. It is more anecdotal."

The photographs are beautiful... the writing...resonates with honesty and humor...

"One of the things we do in that is we collect fractured English in signs from around the world."

You can find Russell

Bootcamp may be heard daily on many of the CBS Radio Network Stations/

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