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Archive your family history with 1000memories

Photo of Gloria Langer 1000memories

(CBS) - Facebook's timeline isn't the only way to tell the story of your life.

As we move more of our lives online, there are new ways to collect and present our life stories. The website 1000memories is focused just on that goal.

Upon first glance, the site looks like really pretty way to post photos of my family. Dig a little deeper and you'll find beautiful displays of an entire lifetime. One of the profiles that pulled at my heart strings was of a woman named Gloria Langer.

Her profile was compiled by family members and follows her life from a beautiful all-American girl to a graceful grandmother. It wasn't just the photos that were touching. One of Langer's granddaughters posted a eulogy that brought her to life. What an amazing show of humanity on the Internet.

Another profile that was truly amazing was of Lt. William Nopar. Looking at his profile is like peeking into a history book. Nopar posts memorabilia from World War II, like a letter from his mother, a newspaper article announcing his return home and his army enrollment papers. He's even got a photo taken from an airplane where he says, "Note the bomb bay doors are open."

1000memories takes archiving seriously. They are official partners with the Internet Archive and claim that they'll never delete your photos - of course you can, however.

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