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Andy Opens His Mailbag

The following is a weekly 60 Minutes commentary by CBS News correspondent Andy Rooney.

It makes me feel both good and bad when I get more mail than I can answer.
A lot of people have written to ask if I really wrote some things on the Internet that have my name on them. The answer, briefly, is no I didn't.

A saccharine collection of comments called 'ANDY ROONEY ON OLDER WOMEN' has had wide circulation. I was pleased by how many people wrote to say they didn't believe I wrote it.

There's a collection of racist and sexist remarks on the Internet under a picture of me with the caption 'ANDY ROONEY SAID ON 60 MINUTES.' If I could find the person who did write it using my name I would sue him.

I was pleased by the number of complaints after I was dropped from the show a few weeks ago.

William Donahoo wrote "It was a surprise to hear someone simply close the program with no mention of Andy Rooney. Is he ill?"

No, Mr. Donahoo, I don't get ill, I get sick and not being on made me sick.

Bill Pattillos wrote "What happened to Andy Rooney? We got a blast of commercials in lieu of a few intelligent comments ..."

Someone complains about everything I do. A few weeks ago I did a piece showing pictures of the people who attended the service for Peter Jennings.

Scott Fees of Edmond, Okla., complains "Your tribute to Peter Jennings suggests that unless you have a who's who guest list at your funeral, you were unimportant and your life was meaningless."

Ian Peacock, of Amador City, Calif., wrote "While we are all saddened by Peter's passing, we look forward to the rebirth of truth in journalism when the news is bigger than the guy delivering it."

I made some remarks about military spending.

Dick and Jenny Harvey wrote "We all stood and shouted 'YES!' at our television set."

There is also a letter about that piece that was sent to the producer of 60 Minutes from Roger Crumley, professor of head surgery at the University of California, Irvine.

He writes "OK. Morley has not only passed his prime, he's left the mainstream of life. Tonight Morley has characterized himself as a typical leftwing newsmonger ... Please save and preclude us Morley any more of your presence on the air."

I don't mind being confused with Morley Safer but if Dr. Crumley is an expert on heads it should be easy for him to get his examined.

So, keep those letters coming if it amuses you to write them. Just don't expect me to answer them.
By Andy Rooney

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