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Aging Related Links

The Web has an abundance of resources for anyone who's interested in housing for senior citizens, long-term care, or other aging issues.

We've compiled a list of sites to get you started.

Housing Information for Seniors and their Families: Developed by the Andrus Gerontology Center at the University of Southern California, this site is a guide to options available to seniors who want to avoid nursing homes. Here you'll find information about assisted living, sharing housing, home modification, and other strategies that can allow older people to retain some level of independence.

National Institute On Aging: Part of the National Insititute of Health (NIH), the NIA conducts and funds research about aging, and promotes public education on the issue. Its site has extensive information on a range of aging-related topics, everything from high blood pressure to the increased crash risks facing older drivers.

For many seniors, going online is a powerful way to connect with others. SeniorNet is a non-profit group that teaches older people to use computers.

Mr. Long Term Care: This oddly-named site is an encyclopedic collection of links to sites that deal with some facet of long-term care. This is an excellent place to start learning about aging and assisted care for the elderly. It offers links to government sites, housing directories, and to studies and essays on the future of health care for the aged.

GeroWeb: Wayne State's Institute of Gerontology has created another enormous guide to web resources on aging and the study of aging. A little clunky to use, but very extensive.

Administration on Aging: Part of the Department of Health and Human Services, the AOA creates programs and services for older people, both healthy and frail. This site has a wealth of information on having a successful later life: tips on financial planning, health care, as well as a detailed guide to choosing a nursing home. This site is a nationwide (although not exhaustive) listing of care providers, including nursing homes and assisted caregivers. It also offers basic financial and legal advice to long term care consumers.

Eden Alternative: This group populates nursing homes with plants, animals and children, bringing a sense of life and compaionship to otherwise lonely residents. Started seven years ago, the program is now in over 300 nursing homes. This site is a good introduction to the organization, and also has information on how to get involved.

The New England Centenarian Study: There are now 50,000 people in this country who are at least 100 years old. This Harvard study is trying to figure out why, and how. Here you'll meet Angeline Strandal, who at 104 years old is still living on her own.

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