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A Fond Final Few Weeks

The only person who has seemed to enjoy our whole election mess is Bill Clinton.

It looked like he was so happy when he said " the American people have spoken, but it's going to take a little while to determine exactly what they've said," just after Election Day.

For the first time in years, the jokes weren't on him. Nobody has said anything about Bill and Monica for weeks.

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Not only that, but he was recently greeted like a beloved figure in Vietnam. Over there they like that he avoided fighting in the war.

Also, Hillary Clinton won big in New York. It's true she seemed to ignore him at the victory appearance but she went with him to Vietnam. So how bad a marriage can it be?

A president who served for eight years in a thriving economy with no major wars, with not one recount, contest, or protest, is going to look good these days. Of course, there were so many days we wondered if he could stay in the office. So we've gone from, "Can he stay in the office?" to, "Who can get into the office?"

That's some office, that office.

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