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A Case of Makerbot Mania?

Interest in Brooklyn-based MakerBot and the company's 3-D printing machines is high. So high, in fact, that a mention on a television segment which ran on CBS News briefly brought down the company's web site.

Chalk it up to an understandable rush of excitement. The idea that one day small 3-D printers will be as widespread as personal computers is a provocative one. And while it may still be ahead of its time - not to mention the purview of the early adopter crowd (for instance, Jay Leno has one that his mechanics use to build hard-to-find replacement parts for his extensive car collection), - the idea has understandably fired imaginations. So has the under-$1,000 price for this do-it-yourself kit that can "turn ideas into objects," as one of the inventors of the MakerBot put it in the CBS interview. OK, so the hype is a bit over the top. Still, it's worth checking out in this video below:

Video: The Rise of Makerbots

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