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51 Hours Later: Filling the American Idol Void

What could you do with 51 ½ hours?

You could make an extra $1,000 if you earn $20 an hour. You could burn 43,000 calories if you jog. You could read several books. You could start writing a book. You could learn the basics of a new language. You could start a blog and write 25 posts. You could read the New Testament. You could walk 150 miles. You could learn the waltz. You could program an internet application. You could get closer to every family member and friend you have. You could have lunch with your clients/customers. You could implement Getting Things Done. You could serve over 6,000 bowls of soup at your local soup kitchen. You could teach your son how to play baseball.

Yes, you could do all of those things and a million others with 51 ½ hours, but if you're like the 30 or so million other Americans, you spent those 51 ½ hours watching this season of American Idol. That's how many how many hours AI was on this year.

Listen, I'm a big fan of the show and have learned a few things from watching it, but it makes me sick to think how much time I have wasted. So, fellow AI fans, here's our challenge: now that the show is ending, how can we fill the AI void?

It would be easy to fill that void with another mindless TV show, but let's aim a little higher. Instead of sitting down on Tuesday and Wednesday night and grabbing the remote, think about that one thing you've been putting off and start working on it. Or think of that big goal you've wanted to achieve and get started on it.

The other 8 hours are your passport to a better life. What will you do with yours?

(TV image by Aaron Escobar, CC 2.0)
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