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10 Reasons Why It's Always About the Money

After 23 years in the tech industry, I got off the corporate executive adrenaline-rush treadmill and started the second half of my business career, consulting and writing. I thought this time around, working for myself and all, things would be different. I thought it would be more Zen-like. I thought it would be more about the work and less about the money.

Well, that's sort of the way it is, except for one little thing. The money. It's still about the damn money. Actually, success and money. But for me, they're one and the same. Even though I have the shortest commute ever, get to sleep-in if I want, and work outside when the weather's nice, I'll never get away from three unassailable facts:

  • Work is great, but it doesn't mean a damn thing if you don't get paid
  • Good or bad, we seem to measure happiness by success and success by money
  • Fun isn't fun without suffering; you really need that contrast
That's right, folks. I confess to being a neurotic materialistic capitalist driven almost entirely by the relentless need to achieve business success and make money. Wow, I thought I'd feel better after I said it, but now that I have, I actually don't. The harsh truth of it sort of freaks me out.

How about this? How about I invent some logical reasons why it should be true? Then I don't have to feel as if there's something majorly flawed with my character. If that's okay, and you don't mind me indulging some self-serving rationalizations, here are 10 Reasons Why It's Always About the Money:

  1. Because my wife says it is, and she pays the bills
  2. A successful workweek means a fun weekend
  3. It gives me a reason to get up in the morning and feel good when I crash at night
  4. Having zero income is really embarrassing at tax time
  5. My parents wanted a doctor but instead got me and I feel guilty about that
  6. It's a real turn-on
  7. I have no hobbies
  8. What else is there, really?
  9. Whining about not having enough gets old after a while
  10. "Expensive habits" goes without saying; what habits aren't expensive, these days?
In case you're wondering, the point is this. You think you've learned something by the time you get to the end of a long career, but all you've really done is one helluva job of reinforcing the same behavior. And even though you think the grass may be greener on the other side, well, after all, it's still just grass.

And, if nothing else, I'm hoping this little confession motivates some other poor successaholics to come out of the closet. After all, you'll feel better about yourself. Especially if you invent some really funny ways to rationalize your behavior. Really. Go ahead, it's fun.

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