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West rejects Georgia GOP offer to run

Rep. Allen West, R-Fla., who appears headed for a narrow defeat in his reelection bid, today rejected an offer from a Georgia GOP chairwoman Sue Everhart to consider running for a House seat in Georgia instead.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution asked West if he would entertain Everhart's offer, and West replied with a succinct "No," saying, "Look, let me tell you something. I have moved my wife around for 20-some-odd years, being in the military, and she was also the daughter of a career military guy. When I retired, she chose Florida. That's where my daughter's in school, in college, my youngest daughter's in high school. That's our home. It's a very nice thing, but I'm not an NFL free agent."

Everhart, who called West "one of the finest congressmen this country's ever had," previously said, "I would be glad to have him come back to Georgia and at some point run here. I would certainly try to help him because he has done his job."

West is demanding a recount, has not yet conceded the race to his opponent, Democrat Patrick Murphy, and may decide to challenge the eventual results in court. But Murphy is already attending freshman orientation events on Capitol Hill, and the election result is outside the margin that would mandate a recount.

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