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Watch a fascinating time-lapse video of a tarantula molting (unless you have arachnophobia)

(CBS News) If you have a fear of spiders, you should immediately go back to The Feed main page and skip this one. There are a lot of other really amazing options to choose from, I promise.  And normally your blogger here would be one of the people for whom that advice is meant for, but I've got a job to do providing you all with the craziest, funniest, cutest and everything in-between videos that the web has to offer. So this is basically me taking one for the team writing up this post.  So, without further ado, watch a time-lapse video of a tarantula molting above.

Shudder... I swear I get goosebumps just watching a video with a tarantula that close to the camera (and won't even mention checking my clothes and hair afterwards for spiders). But once I get past the fear factor, I have to admit, the process of a tarantula molting is pretty fascinating to watch unfold. The time-lapse video (and arachnophobic individual's nightmare) was posted by Conorwinters, who must have had nerves of steel if he was the one doing the filming of this whole process.

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