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Urn emptied, ashes fly in brothers' fight, say Ohio cops

Police say Joel Perez of Lorain, Ohio attacked his brother with an urn during an argument on Jan. 18, 2013. CBS Cleveland

(CBS) LORAIN, Ohio - An Ohio man is facing multiple charges after allegedly attacking his brother with an urn full of human ashes, CBS Cleveland reports.

Authorities say 23-year-old Joel Perez, of Lorain, got into an argument with his brother Friday morning and threatened to kill him while breaking items around the house, according to the station.

Police were called to the scene and Officer Jesse Perkins observed Perez breaking a large blue urn over his brother's head. The blow reportedly rendered him unconscious and surrounded the pair in a cloud of human ashes, according to CBS Cleveland. 

The station reported that responding officers zapped Perez with a stun gun to subdue him.

The identity of the human remains in the broken urn was not disclosed by Lorain police.

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