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Thursday's Campaign Round-up

THURSDAY'S CAMPAIGN ROUND-UP....Today's installment of campaign-related news items that wouldn't generate a post of their own, but may be of interest to political observers:

* The weather, at this point, looks pretty good for Denver tonight.

* Republicans may not be as meteorologically fortunate.

* A Time/CNN poll shows Obama leading McCain in New Mexico by 13, 53% to 40%.

* A Time/CNN poll shows Obama leading McCain in Nevada by five, 49% to 44%.

* A Time/CNN poll shows McCain leading Obama in Colorado by one, 47% to 46%.

* A Time/CNN poll shows Obama leading McCain in Pennsylvania by five, 48% to 43%.

* A University of Akron poll shows Obama and McCain tied in Ohio at 40% each.

* If McCain added Lieberman to the Republican ticket, it may not help as much as expected in Florida.

* There's buzz in conservative circles about Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Texas) possibly joining the McCain ticket, but Jonathan Martin reports that she hasn't been vetted.

* Terry McAuliffe is apparently considering running for governor of Virginia.

* Did Rove call McCain to urge him not to pick Lieberman for the ticket? Rove doesn't want to talk about it.

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