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The Members Project

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America has millions of unsung heroes, people who, without fanfare, do what they can, when they can, to make their neighborhood, their city, their country, the world a better place. They support social causes, they work to improve the environment, they make sure that children are fed and animals have homes. They act locally, they think globally, they set an example. Just because.

Are you one of these quiet heroes?

If you could take your efforts to the next level, how would you do it?

What would you buy, who would you hire, where does your imagination take you?

American Express created a place where pie-in-the-sky is the blue plate special. "The Members Project" was for dreamers. And one smart man brought his passion for making clean drinking water available to the children of the world to our attention. The American Express members voted his idea the one that will be funded this year.

For a video about the project click here. To see the five finalists and an interview with the winner, look to your right.

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