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The Generational Gap, In Convenient List Format

That coveted demographic of "the young people" is always an oft-discussed concern for news outlets run by members of a much older generation. Which is why a list that circulates every year at Beloit College, (we caught it via Instapundit) "What Your Freshman Don't Know," might be of some interest. It's a guide to those historical events that the latest freshmen didn't live through, the societal trends that their parents just don't understand, and those elements of pop culture that really aren't so much popular to the kids these days. has published it, along with a link to past years' lists. Some highlights from this year's list for the Class of 2010:
3. For most of their lives, major U.S. airlines have been bankrupt.

6. There has always been only one Germany.

9. A stained blue dress is as famous to their generation as a third-rate burglary was to their parents'.

22. Mr. Rogers, not Walter Cronkite, has always been the most trusted man in America.

42. Ken Burns has always been producing very long documentaries on PBS.

60. They never saw Bernard Shaw on CNN.

65. Diane Sawyer has always been live in Prime Time.

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