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Superdelegates Continue Heading Obama's Way

Barack Obama may end up losing some of his delegate margin in West Virginia when the results come in tonight but his campaign continues to roll out the superdelegate endorsements today. Indiana Congressman Joe Donnelly and New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin endorsed Obama this morning and the campaign held a conference call with former DNC Chair/Colorado Gov. Roy Romer to discuss his decision to back Obama.

"A lot of people in the party are ready to close down the primary and get on with the general election," Romer told reporters. "This has been a very vigorous primary and Senator Clinton has been a very strong and formidable candidate, and she's a strong friend … but the math is controlling. This race I believe is over, Senator Obama has accumulated a lead in delegates chosen by primaries, caucuses and superdelegates that cannot be overcome."

Romer was quick to point out that he was not trying to add any pressure on Clinton to drop out of the race, saying that clearing up the picture of where superdelegates line up serves only to provide her with more information on which to base decisions. "The more clarity we can give, those of who are superdelegates, the sooner we can make it clear, I think it will help her in whatever decision that she will make. But that is a decision she has to make," Romer said.

Romer's support is important beyond the superdelegate count because Colorado is potentially a key battleground and Obama won the caucuses there with 62 percent on Super Tuesday. Campaign manager David Plouffe stressed the competitive nature of Western states and said Colorado is a state Obama can win in November.

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