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Shia LaBeouf is watching all of his movies at a theater right now

If you go see a movie at New York's Angelika Film Center over the next couple of days, there's a chance you'll run into Shia LaBeouf. Heck, why not catch a film with him while you're at it?

Yes. The actor is holed up at the Manhattan theater, watching all of his films over the next three days. And he's being live-streamed while he does it and inviting others to join.

The live-stream site explains: "From noon on 10th November 2015, #ALLMYMOVIES by LaBeouf, Rönkkö & Turner will commence at the Angelika Film Center, 18 West Houston Street, NYC. Visitors are invited to join Shia LaBeouf in person as he watches all his movies consecutively in reverse chronological order over the next three days, 24 hours a day (admission free). At the same time, a live stream will continuously broadcast the performance above."

Movies include everything from "Fury" to "Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps" and "Transformers."

Go here to see LaBeouf watch his movies.

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