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Sextuplets born to Afghan woman

afghanistan, women, childbirth
Women in Afghanistan face incredibly difficult challenges surrounding childbirth. CBS News

In one of the poorest nations in the world, Afghanistan's Sara Gul did the near impossible compared to her countrywomen: She gave birth to sextuplets.

The 22-year-old from Balkh province told Reuters she tried to abort after learning she was pregnant and carrying six children: three boys and three girls. That is about the same number of children that Afghan women have on average in their lifetime.

"I even jumped from a wall but nothing happened to them," Gul said from Mazar-e-Sharif, where the birth took place on Monday.

A maternity ward doctor said that five of Gul's babies were born healthy while the sixth one was underweight and under postnatal care.

Afghans' uphill battle begins with childbirth

Watch a CBS Evening News report from October on Afghans' uphill battle begins with childbirth below:

Back in October, CBS News reported on the struggles faced by Afghan mothers and their newborns. In the province of Badakshan, the maternal mortality rate is high: 6,500 mothers die per 100,000 births. The rate in the U.S. is only 13 per 100,000.

Augmented by the country's poverty and conflict, 1 in 4 children will die before they turn 5, according to Reuters.

Gul's 27-year-old husband Shukrullah, who is out of work, said: "Allah blessed me with six children, but I am worried about their future."

While maternity care is improving with additional beds and arrival of equipment, modern health care is still remote for the nation's people, said CBS News.

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