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Scott Pelley on Paris attack: "Silence is the end of freedom"

Couldn’t the Paris massacre have been avoided if Charlie Hebdo had been more sensible?
Scott Pelley reflects on the Paris attacks 01:17

Someone asked us today if the French magazine acted irresponsibly by publishing cartoons of the prophet Mohammad. Couldn't all of this have been avoided if Charlie Hebdo had been more sensible?

"CBS Evening News" anchor Scott Pelley CBS News

Most freedoms are limited. Gun ownership is restricted. You're free to travel but you're not free to run red lights. So why is freedom to publish, freedom to speak, absolute?

Because there is no democracy without journalism. And the strength of a people depends on the quality of their information.

Charlie Hebdo staked out extremes, and so, helped define a broad space for every voice. Eight of its journalists died knowing the risk.

American reporters James Foley and Steven Sotloff were silenced by ISIS months ago. The Committee to Protect Journalists tells us 61 reporters died in the line of duty in 2014.

The enemy knows our vulnerability. Silence is the end of freedom.

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