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Schieffer: All religions share one truth

Although humankind has been haggling over the details for eons, to me all religions are basically true, at least the western religions that I know about - and the truth they share is that love is more powerful than hate and that we'll be happier if we treat others with fairness.

I have no answers to the questions humans have debated from the beginning: "If there is a God, why does he let bad things happen to good people?" And "Where does evil come from?" I have no idea.

My answer to most religious assertions is, "Perhaps."

Yet, I am a believer. I have always thought - maybe felt is a better word - that there was something out there more powerful than we are, but so powerful it is beyond human comprehension.

I think that when I see the beauty of a sunset, or the pure innocence in a baby's smile, or recognize the things we can't see: a mother's love or the strength that we can sometimes find deep within us when all seems lost.

To me those are the miracles. Maybe they're not.

But when I think of them in that way, it always gives me hope and makes me happier.

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