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Romney Takes Shot At Huckabee Over Leno Appearance

From CBS News' Scott Conroy

BETTENDORF, IOWA -- Mike Huckabee's scheduled trip to Hollywood to tape an appearance on "The Tonight Show" provided some fodder for Mitt Romney today.

"Frankly my focus is on the caucuses here in Iowa," Romney said at a press conference at a middle school here, as he was flanked by about 50 mostly younger supporters. "I think Mike is more concerned about the caucus in Los Angeles."

The sarcastic jab against Huckabee notwithstanding, Romney was surprisingly focused more on attacking John McCain — his chief rival in New Hampshire — than he was on hitting Huckabee, the man with whom Romney is vying for a first-place finish in tomorrow night's caucuses.

"I think he was just wrong to vote against the Bush tax cuts twice," Romney said of McCain in his opening remarks to reporters. "He continues to defend that vote. He continues to believe it was the right thing to vote 'no' on the Bush tax cuts, despite the fact that the Bush tax cuts helped working families, helped people meet their obligations."

Romney also criticized McCain for his stance on illegal immigration and tried to negate McCain's recent attack ad on Romney's lack of foreign policy experience. The former Massachusetts governor said that he has demonstrated leadership skills in business and in running the winter Olympics in the aftermath of 9/11.

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