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Romney ad gives more "Day One" promises

(CBS News) The Romney campaign has released a new television commercial, his second of the general election.

In the ad, a narrator lays out three initiatives for Mitt Romney's first day in office as president. They are to announce deficit reductions, demand that China play by international trade rules and repeal job-killing regulations.

Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty has a cameo in the backdrop early in the ad. Pawlenty is national co-chair of Romney's campaign and speculated to be in consideration for vice president. The ad also features a shot of children in a classroom, notable since Romney has been focusing on education reform this week.

In Romney's first commercial, which was released last Friday, he listed three different plans for his first day in office: Start building the Keystone pipeline, work on tax cuts, and work toward repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act, President Obama's health care overhaul. Both ads were released in English and Spanish.

In a statement this morning, campaign spokeswoman Andrea Saul wrote, "On day one of the Romney presidency, we will begin restoring the greatness of America."

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