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Radical Islamist Figure Says Obama 'Should Be Treated With Hostility"

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A radical Islamist figure living in the U.K. described U.S. President-elect Barack Obama as an "infidel" and said he "should be treated with hostility." Anjem Choudary, judge of the shari'ah court of the U.K. and a top aide of radical preacher Omar Bakri, also said Obama's election was a change for the worse.

Choudary's comments came in a nine-minute video statement about the U.S. presidential elections. The video seems to have been recorded prior to the results, but it was accompanied with an article in which Choudary commented on the elections.

""With George Bush out and Barack Obama in - the American public must now face the repercussions of voting in their new president, whether positive or negative - so how should the Muslims react to his appointment as president?

Choudary adds that although Muslims might think they'll enjoy improved climate under the Obama administration," he argues that they should disassociate themselves from the "camp of disbelievers."

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