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Persona Non Grata

This column was written by CBS News Early Show co-anchor Harry Smith.

If you want a disturbing glance into how the White House thinks, read last week's New Yorker piece by Jeffrey Goldberg about Brent Scowcroft.

Scowcroft, the former Air Force general who rose to become national security adviser, tried to get his views heard about the coming war in Iraq. No one, it seemed, wanted to hear them. So he wrote an Op-Ed piece to say, among other things, maybe this war wouldn't be such a good idea.

Scowcroft counts the President's father as one of his best friends. He was a mentor and early employer to Condoleezza Rice. He knows more than a little bit about the Middle East. He was one the early proponents of the first war in Iraq. Even if just to indulge an old hand, you take an hour and listen to a guy like that, right?

Scowcroft's contrary opinions were viewed as disloyal — even harmful. He's persona non grata at this White House. And a shining example of the price you pay for thinking outside this White House's box .

Harry's daily commentary can be heard on manyCBS Radio News affiliates across the country.

By Harry Smith

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