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Pass The Bunny Tails!

It's cold and rainy in New York -- a really dreary day that's perfect for comfort food. And it doesn't get much better than the mashed potatoes we had on The Early Show this morning. Sure, it was part of our Thanksgiving Dinner 101 series, but why wait? We made ours with lots of butter and cream and added chives and cheddar cheese. They are the best I've ever had!

I have never been a good mashed-potato maker, but my mother-in-law's potatoes are legendary and she has always called them "bunny tails" because they are so white and fluffy. So that's what my kids ask for: bunny tails without all the fancy stuff! My mother-in-law mashes the potatoes the old-fashioned way, but after going to tater school with chef Tori Richie, I think I'm going invest in a ricer. You stick the potatoes in the handheld device and out it comes in little rice-like pieces guaranteed to be fluffy and not like wallpaper paste. At least that's what they say!

I figure with enough milk, butter and salt, just about anything will be passable... but one can always strive for more. So here's to bunny tails or at least a close approximation! If you have any mashed potato trick of your own, let me know.

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