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Nick’s Nixed

Harvard Law student Nick Brown is the latest member of Survivor: The Australian Outback cast to be voted out. The morning after that episode aired, he visited with anchors Bryant Gumbel and Jane Clayson of CBS's The Early Show to discuss his experiences.

And he wanted to put the record straight. "I think the lazy part was really exaggerated. I think I definitely helped out with my tribe and did my part," he said. "Everything was edited to kind of be exaggerated a little bit."

He did allow that he had slacked off a bit at the end. "I admit to being lazy the last couple of days of the game. I didn't fish. I wasn't going to fish. I was clear with that." But he said,"I pulled my weight doing other things. Once they show you as being lazy, they're going to show everything else to kind of back it up. But, you know, it is part of what we get into."

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He admitted to Clayson that in the beginning, things were good. "We were doing all this wonderful stuff and then the loneliness sets in, the hunger sets in and you’re just like... oh, but your drive is to win this game. Win $1 million. But it stops being fun. For me, that took me out of the game mentally."

Much was made of the fact that Brown had been ill a lot during the adventure. Clayson asked him how sick he was?

"I was deadly sick. I had these huge swollen lymph nodes, the roof of my mouth was red and irritated. I was eating rice on the side of my mouth, like, trying to swallow it. I was just dying out there."

Questioned about his strategy for the game, Brown explained that the quiet character you saw on the show wasn't his real personality. "When I got there, I didn't have some set plan. Then I realized within the first couple of days that I had really – this really aggressive loud-mouth-type personalities in my tribe. I thought I would sit back and let them shoot themselves in the foot, and it orked."

The Australian Outback
To read, see and hear more about the sequel to the enormously popular Survivor TV show, click here to visit the official CBS Web site.
He said that after the "perch" challenge, "You wanted to get rid of the strong people. When we had the challenge on the perch, Alicia stood up there for 10 hours and proved how tough she was. I jumped off and said I was going to rest. I was sick."

He went on, "I really was not feeling well, but I didn't want to be seen as the strong guy from Kucha and I wanted Alicia to take that focus off of me."

Brown offered a surprise tidbit about the "food auction". Remember when Amber bid $200 for a mystery meal – and ended up with stream water? Well, Brown had bid on an earlier mystery meal. "Yeah, Amber got fooled into the water only because the first time, when I bought it for $200. I got steak and eggs."

Asked about his friendship with the infamous Jerri, Brown said, "Jerri can be annoying, don’t get me wrong. But everything is edited to be exaggerated. After we were all part of the jury, I liked Jerri a lot more. I talk to Jerri a lot."

Gumbel wanted to know if Nick still had the piece of the controversial coral that Colby brought back from the Great Barrier Island. Australian officials are investigating the removal of the protected species. Brown said, "It is gone." He didn’t seemed too concerned about the loss. "I can find that on my own beach back home."

Brown, who cast his vote to oust Keith, admitted to a little annoyance at the end of his stay in the Outback. "We all knew it was going to be me. We said vote for whoever you want to vote for. By this time, Keith was driving me nuts. When he didn't bring his backpack – I knew he wasn't going anywhere, but to me, at least you have the grace to bring your backpack and act like you’re a team player."

Clayson commented that Keith seemed seem pretty confident. Brown agreed. "And he was right. But still, everybody else brought their backpack, which makes me respect them a little bit more."

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