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NFL Bears-Packers bet ends with husband using Taser on wife, report says


(CBS) CHICAGO - Police say a man was charged for using a Taser on his wife's buttocks after she lost the football bet between them, according to the Chicago Tribune.

Police reportedly said John M. Grant, 42, of Tinley Park, Ill., and his wife, whose name has not been released, were watching the NFL's Chicago Bears vs. Green Bay Packers game Monday night at a bar in Wisconsin. The two supposedly made a bet that if the Bears won he could use a Taser on her.

Later, the couple was smoking a cigarette in an alley when Grant allegedly used the Taser - twice - on his wife's buttocks, prompting her to call police, according to the paper.

Grant was reportedly charged with felony possession of an electronic weapon.

Grant's wife told police that she did not agree to her husband's using a Taser on her, but after police reviewed a video from her cell phone where she's seen laughing, they said it seemed that the terms of the bet were consensual, according tot the Tribune.

The owner of the bar where the couple made the bet reportedly said he didn't think the incident was malicious.

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