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Neil Patrick Harris gets out his bag of tricks to host Emmys

The magical Neil Patrick Harris is back to host the Emmys once again, and this time he's got his bag of tricks all lined up. Harris, who is a legitimately a magician by trade when he isn't acting, is going for a prestidigitation theme to this year's Emmy promos.

"Awards shows are just interesting as a host because you have to be both entertaining and very self-effacing. The whole point of awards shows is to listen to other people get awards. So your job is really interesting because you want to welcome everybody, include them, kind of impress them, and then sort of vanish," Harris said, of the challenges of emceeing such a big event.

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NPH hasn't hosted the Emmy's since 2009, but his Tony hosting hasn't just kept his emcee skills sharp, it's also won him two Emmys for Special Performance. That's how good a host he can be. And, if his job in '09 was any indication, it seems like he'll blow the doors off the joint this year as well.

Check out the video to see more from Neil Patrick Harris, and hear why one of his favorite parts of awards shows is when celebrities fall down. The 65th Primetime Emmy Awards air Sunday, Sept. 22 at 8 p.m. ET on CBS.

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