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Mountain lion visits Calif. high school

A mountain lion was shot with sedation darts after it visited a high school in San Fernando, Calif on Friday
Mountain lion visits Calif. high school 01:57

GRANADA HILLS, Calif.-- A mountain lion was captured Friday after roaming the campus of a San Fernando Valley high school, reportsCBS Los Angeles.

Kennedy High School at 11254 Gothic Avenue in Granada Hills was placed on lockdown shortly before noon, according to a Los Angeles Unified School District spokesperson.

Several LAPD officers were seen patrolling the front of the school's campus before locating the lion and forcing it to flee off-campus.

Authorities say the lion will be released into a more appropriate environment KCAL

The roughly 90-pound male mountain lion then made its way into a local residential neighborhood, where authorities proceeded to shoot it with tranquilizer darts. It was seen staggering on the lawn from the effects of the dart.

Officials took the animal into protective custody shortly after 1 p.m. in "healthy" condition, KCAL9's Jeff Nguyen reported.

The lion will be returned to his natural habitat, authorities said.

Nguyen spoke to a resident who captured the lion on cellphone video.

"I came around to our side gate. And I could see that there was a mountain lion right out front. It was pretty interesting," said Cody Romero. "As I saw the video, I was thinking, wow, now I'm in the valley right now. There are mountains around and I guess the lion made it through."

The groggy cat lumbered across Armando Villanueva's home.

"He's a big guy," Villanueva said.

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