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Morning Road Map

by Michelle Levi and Steve Chaggaris

OBAMA is in Israel today where he met earlier with Defense Secretary Ehud Barak to discuss the country's security issues. During a meeting with former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Obama told him that his foreign trip has been so exhausting he "could fall asleep standing up." President Shimon Peres praised Obama at their meeting stating, "Senator I read your two books and your articles and I do believe if you ask me what is my overall impression I would say ... I was moved as a human man a human being and what we need is a moving humanity in our time to overcome the problems to raise hope. ... The world and so are we with you god bless you." He also visited Yad Vashem, Jersalmem's Holocuast museum and memorial where he wore a yarmulke and laid a wreath. He also visited the Jewish holy site the Western Wall. Obama will cross into the West Bank for a meeting with Palestinian President Abbas and Prime Minister Fayyad in Ramallah. Later, he will visit the southern city of Sderot with Foreign Minister Livni and Ehud Barak where they are expected to make a joint statement. This evening he meets with Prime Minister Ehud Olmert back in Jersusalem. He is expected to advocate for peace between the Israelis and Pakistanis in meetings today but emphasize that he cannot snap his fingers and bring peace.

McCAIN starts his day in Pennsylvania at a town hall meeting at 10am in Wilkes-Barre, followed by local media interviews and a fundraiser. At 4:30pm he drops by his Pennsylvania campaign headquarters.

In an interview with CBS News' Katie Couric Tuesday, Obama was pressed on whether he acknowledges the supposed success of the troop surge in Iraq. He stopped short of saying that the surge worked saying that he has no doubt US forces hard work contributed to decreased violence in Iraq. He said he has no idea what would have happened had his place for withdrawal been implemented.

Time Magazine's Tumulty interview with Obama

Politico, "Obama tour staged for political pop"

Associated Press, "Obama's West Bank trip raises hope, skepticism"

Bloomberg News, "Obama Reaffirms His "Abiding Commitment" to Israel"

NY Times, "A Candidate's Brief Taste of a Region's Complexities"

Washington Times, "Obama takes on airs of inevitability"

Times of London, "Democrat Barack Obama viewed with suspicion in Israel"

Washington Post, "After Visit, Obama Defends Iraq Plan"

Associated Press, "Candidates overseas can be more show than tell"

In an interview with CBS News' Couric, McCain hit Obama for politicizing the war effort saying his opponent would risk losing a war for a campaign. He told Couric that the U.S.-backed revolt of Sunni sheiks against al-Qaida in the Anbar province was caused by the US troop surge. The Obama campaign was quick to point out that Sunni revolt occurred before the addition of US troops.

NY Times, "With the Mideast a Priority for Both Campaigns, McCain Intensifies His Attack"

LA Times, "Obama turns focus from war to peace"

Washington Post, "Obama Shifts the Foreign Policy Debate"

NY Times, "Obama Overseas! In Presidential Mode! Back Home, It's McCain in a Golf Cart"

LA Times, "Press coverage of Obama puts envy in the air at McCain headquarters"

Wall Street Journal, "News Coverage of Obama Irks McCain Team"

Politico, "Foreign press: All Obama, all the time"

Chicago Tribune's Page, "Our Biggest Bias: A Big Story"

Gov. Bobby Jindal told CBS' "The Early Show" this morning that he's not interested in being McCain's running mate, nor does he think he's going to be asked: "I've got the job that I want... He's not going to offer it to me."

KSLA-TV, Shreveport, La., "Jindal says 'No' to Vice Presidency rumors"

Boston Herald, "Mitt Romney 'near top' of John McCain's veep list"

Boston Globe, "McCain hits rival sharply on Iraq, Speculation grows about Romney"

Washington Times, "Rumor turns talk to McCain": "With the American press corps - make that the entire global media conglomerate - tracking every move of Sen. Barack Obama across the Middle East and Europe, how on earth does Sen. John McCain break into the news? By floating a little veep talk, that's how."

Reuters, "Lieberman praises pastor repudiated by McCain"

Denver Post, "Edwards expects key role for anti-poverty message"

McCain raised $1 million dollars at a Baltimore fundraiser with former Maryland Gov. Robert Ehrlich last night, the AP reports. McCain told the audience he will not likely raise as much as Obama but that they "don't need as much money."

Washington Post, "Big GOP Donor Faced Trouble Back Home"

LA Times, "Donations to Obama campaign include some biggies"

Slate's Dickerson, "McCain's Unhappy Warrior": "McCain is attacking too much and indiscriminately. The barrage undermines his brand, takes time away from telling voters what he might do for them, and looks awfully old-timey in a year when voters want a new brand. He should go on the offensive, yes, but in targeted forays."

Wall Street Journal, "McCain's Message Gets Makeover": "As his campaign bus rolled through northern Wisconsin recently, John McCain interrupted a conversation to take a cell-phone call. It was "Sgt. Schmidt," he reported -- his nickname for Steve Schmidt, the sharp-tongued strategist he recently drafted to take over the campaign. In the past few weeks, Sen. McCain has largely put his fate in the hands of Mr. Schmidt, who met with the candidate after a widely ridiculed campaign event on June 3 -- the same night Sen. Barack Obama clinched the Democratic nomination and the general election effectively began."

The Hill, "Dems pressured on guns": "The National Rifle Association is putting the election-year squeeze on conservative Democrats, demanding that they buck their leadership to support a bill to erase more of the District of Columbia's gun laws."

Washington Post, "Is McCain's Age Showing? Tongues Wag Over Flubs"

NY Times, "Health Plan From Obama Spurs Debate"

USA Today, "McCain pushes offshore-drilling plan"

Washington Times, "Black Republicans conflicted on Obama"

John McCain's campaign had a little fun at Barack Obama's expense last night, issuing a fake press pass to the McCain traveling press on the bus as they landed at the airport. It identifies the McCain press corps as the "JV Squad," and has the caption "Left Behind to Report in America." The reverse side of the pass features a Frenchman pouring a glass of wine with the same caption en francaise ("Laisse en arriere pour faire un rapport en Amerique").

Chicago Sun-Times, "McCain and Obama's favorite restaurants"

LA Times, "He's Bob Barr, and he's running for president"

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