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McCain Speaks at Naval Academy Today

From CBS News' Dante Higgins:

After his appearance on Letterman last night, John McCain's schedule is packed today with stops in Annapolis, Md. and Pensacola, Fla., as he continues his nostalgic trek across America.

The family, military and service theme continues on day three of McCain's biographical tour. He starts with a speech at the Naval Academy, his alma mater, and a service stop at Operation Welcome Troops Home.

McCain will speak about experiences at the Naval Academy that taught him what service means. "The most important lesson I learned here was that to sustain my self-respect for a lifetime it would be necessary for me to have the honor of serving something greater than my self-interest," McCain says according to prepared remarks.

McCain is also expected to call on Americans to serve their nation. "There are many public causes where your service can make our country a stronger, better one than we inherited. Wherever there is a hungry child, a great cause exists. Where there is an illiterate adult, a great cause exists. Wherever there are people who are denied the basic rights of Man, a great cause exists. Wherever there is suffering, a great cause exists."

It's possible there may be an appearance by another John McCain today. His son, John "Jack" McCain, currently attends the Naval Academy.

Later in the day McCain will speak at Pensacola Junior College and participate in a Meet and Greet at Jerry's Cajun Café and Market.

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