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McCain: "I Assume That I Will Get the Nomination"

From CBS News' Dante Higgins:

NASHVILLE, TN -- As John McCain continues to pick up endorsements his numbers in the polls continue to remain strong, McCain sounds confident about his chances for the GOP nomination on Tuesday and at times even for the presidency.

"I know that I can win the presidency once I win your nomination," he told an audience today at a rally in Nashville.

After the event he tried to reel back on his bold statement. "I hope I am not too confident about Tuesday. I am guardedly optimistic. I think we're doing well," he said.

"I sense a feeling of momentum but we're not taking anything for granted. That's why we're campaigning literally 24/7 between now and Tuesday. We are taking nothing for granted."

McCain said he'd assess the overall political situation after Tuesday, but then his confidence came through again.

"I assume that I will get the nomination of the party. I assume unifying our party is a very critical item and I believe we can do that and get everybody together and working together. And I'm confident I can do that."

While in Tennessee, McCain told residents there that they could be proud of their own for Senator Fred Thompson for running an honorable campaign. He also noted that he and Thompson are good friends and because of that he hesitates to ask for his endorsement.

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