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Lou Dobbs for President in 2012?

(CBS/The Early Show)
Former CNN television personality Lou Dobbs has said in recent days he is considering running for public office, and this morning he suggested he would consider a run for the highest office in the country.

"What's so crazy about that?" Dobbs responded when an anchor with Washington's WTOP radio station laughed about the possibility of Dobbs running for president in 2012. Politico's Glenn Thrush has a recording of the radio interview.

Dobbs said that he has had discussions about it and that he is, for the first time, "actually listening to people about politics."

"I don't think I've got the nature for it, but... we've got to do something in this country," Dobbs said. "I think that being in the public arena means you've got to be part of the solution."

Dobbs added that he is reaching out to Latino groups, the Chamber of Commerce and "all of the groups with whom I have been in an ongoing debate... to try to bridge some of these conflicts and try to create solutions."

Latino groups have long charged that Dobbs' show on CNN was racist in its emphasis on illegal immigration and cheered his departure from CNN.

Dobbs earlier revealed he is considering a Senate run in New Jersey.

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