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Jon Gosselin to "Guest Star" on "Plus 8"

It's official, The Learning Channel (TLC) is changing the title of the reality show "Jon and Kate Plus 8" to simply "Kate Plus 8."

"Early Show" national correspondent Hattie Kauffman reported Jon Gosselin's name is being dropped from the title of the show starting next week. And with ratings down, Kauffman remarked, they're not likely to improve as Jon is relegated to a role as an occasional "guest star."

Jon Gosselin: I Despise Kate

In the wake of the couple's very public break-up, Craig Tomashoff, executive editor of TV Guide magazine, said, "It's kind of only natural they have to shake things up, and reflect what's going on by having Jon leave the show."

Jon was the dynamic, Tomashoff said, that gave the show life for the last year.

Tomashoff said, "(Jon's) kind of perceived as the villian in a lot of this."

However, as the show goes forward, Tomashoff added, it's going to be a challenge for TLC to create enough tension to attract viewers.

Slideshow: The Gosselin Family

Also, Kauffman reported Jon has asked for a 90-day delay in his divorce from Kate. His lawyer says it's just a coincidence, Kauffman said.

Kauffman added online reports indicate Jon might not be looking for a romantic reconciliation, as much as a better bargaining position where his kids are concerned.

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