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<i>Washington Post</i> Fails At Online Political Video Humor

By Bonnie Erbe, Thomas Jefferson Street blog

I'm not sure what this video is, but assuming it is what it appears to be, it's weak. It appears to be two serious Washington Post journalists trying to be funny. They fail miserably.

Further, in attempting to be something they're not (funny or comedians, take your pick) they inadvertently succeed at something they most likely never intended: to stretch their credibility as journalists to a microscopic sinew. Advice to Milbank and Cillizza, the guys in the video who write for the Washington Post: Stick to print, and leave the video news comedy to Jon Stewart, who's great at what he does.

Fortunately for the Washington Post, it isn't the only print venture into online video attempting to be funny, but missing the mark. The somewhat infamous Onion, the spoof newspaper out of Wisconsin, is also apparently venturing in to online media. And even though Onion staffers have proven comedic credentials in print, they, too, are having a tough time transitioning into video (which you can see after the jump):


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By Bonnie Erbe

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