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Interview With Red Cross CFO

Partial text of CBS News Correspondent Sharyl Attkisson's interview with Red Cross Chief Financial Operator Jack Campbell.

Weren't you troubled by the results of the audits?

Actually, we were not troubled by the results of the audits at all. There was no recognition of any kind of problem.

Do you think the chapters that at that time were not coding the money to go to national headquarters – that's not considered a problem?

Initially it wasn't. No it wasn't inappropriate at all but we got guidance out very quickly after that and made sure that all the donations that were intended for Sept. 11 got there.

If it wasn't inappropriate, why was the correction needed?

We just again wanted to make sure that in accepting donations from the public that all the donations were applied properly so we sent guidance to the chapters that said any donations that you received payable to the Red Cross is going to go into the Liberty Fund for the victims of Sept. 11.

Shouldn't the chapters have known that the money coming in right after Sept. 11 was intended for the national fund, not for them to keep?

Most chapters knew that other chapters had dropped mail for other solicitations for other purposes so it's understandable there could be some confusion. And again we got guidance out very quickly after that to clarify it.

So some of the chapters you think legitimately thought maybe this money isn't for Sept. 11 even though it was rolling in on Sept. 12?

Some of it may have been for Sept. 11, some of it may have been specifically designated for another disaster.

So you see no problem.

I see no problem.

Some would say that's the problem … if you looked at the audit of the 27 chapters and didn't see a problem there.

I don't think that's true.

Part One: Disaster Strikes In Red Cross Backyard

Part Two: Red Faces At Red Cross

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