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Huckabee: Obama Bow in Japan was "Offensive"

On @katiecouric this week, former Arkansas governor and Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee told Katie Couric that President Obama's bow to the Japanese emperor was "inappropriate" and "offensive."

"I think that, as a private citizen, for him to bow and show deference and respect is one thing, but as the president of the United States it's not appropriate to bow to foreign leaders because he's representing the country," Huckabee said.

"Isn't he just following custom though?" asked Couric. She later added that "it doesn't seem characteristic of you to focus on it."

"I just thought that that deep bow to the waste to the Japanese emperor was symbolic of saying, 'we're deferring,'" responded Huckabees. "It's not merely a custom and a greeting."

EARLIER: Official: Reaction to Japan Bow Left Obama "Speechless"

Couric noted that a Fox News poll found that 53 percent of Republicans believe it is okay to bow when it's customary.

"It was just that the whole picture of the president of the United States in that capacity, bowing, was offensive to me," Huckabee said. "But, you know what, I could be wrong." He later added: "I think that that was inappropriate, and I still do, no matter what the polls show."

Huckabee is promoting a new book, "A Simple Christmas: Twelve Stories that Celebrate the True Holiday Spirit." You can watch the entire, 40-minute conversation with Couric here, and watch the segment on the bow above.

More blog posts on the interview:

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More video from the interview:

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