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Good News About 'Bad' Foods

Over the years, studies have come out casting some negative light on certain foods. But Dr. Sean Kenniff from the CBS affiliate in Miami, WFOR-TV, says before you cut them from your diet, consider their good qualities as well. Consumed in moderation, they can be good for you.

He talks about the following "forgiven foods" on The Saturday Early Show.

We all know that eggs are high in cholesterol. In fact, a single egg has 213 mg of cholesterol in them, which is about 2/3 of your recommended daily level of cholesterol. But what you may not know is that newer studies indicate that they contain a substance that in laboratory animals blocked the absorption of cholesterol into your blood stream.

The key is not to prepare them in too much butter. You may consider avoiding fried eggs and instead opt for scrambled, hard boiled or poached eggs.

For years, salt has been linked to high blood pressure and heart disease. But recent research indicates the link may not be as solid as once thought. The American Heart Association recommends an adult consume no more than six grams of salt a day. So it's OK to sprinkle some salt on your favorite foods.

The key is to avoid fast and processed foods, which are loaded with sodium.

With the low-carb craze sweeping the nation, the potato has become public enemy No. 1 because it has lots of carbohydrates. However, what you may not realize is that potatoes are relatively low in calories, are high in fiber, low in fat, and have no cholesterol. Studies have also chosen the Russet potato because it is high in disease fighting antioxidants.

The key, as with eggs, is to eat potatoes that aren't fried in saturated oils. Baked potatoes are probably the best, but be careful to avoid putting to much butter or sour cream on.

Peanut Butter
Peanut butter may contain lots of fat, but not all fats are bad for you. Peanut butter has mono-unsaturated, which can reduce bad cholesterol. The serving size for peanut butter is about two tablespoons. Peanut butter is also packed with Vitamin E and it makes you feel full so you don't want to eat as much.

Red Meat
Red meat has long been linked to heart disease and eating too much of it is not good. But beef is about 20 times leaner than it was a decade ago so it doesn't have as much saturated fat as it used to.

The key is when buying beef, buy lean cuts such as: flank steak, top sirloin and tenderloin.

Dark Chocolate
Research has shown that dark chocolate does a body good. It's not only good for the heart but it can improve blood flow. Dark chocolate contains lots of flavonoids, which may prevent the stiffening of blood vessels. This, however, is not an excuse to go out and eat a ton of dark chocolate. Eat it in moderation.

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