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Giuliani: No More Religion Issue for Romney

From CBS News' Ryan Corsaro:

SARASOTA, FLA. -- Rudy Giuliani was endorsed by the 10-13 Association, a group of retired New York City police officers who reside in Florida, at a press availability in Sarasota.

Questioned about stepping down from his role as chief of Giuliani Partners, the mayor said "I haven't been involved with the day to day work there in about a half a year."

He said he has not received a paycheck from the firm since "before June".

Giuliani had respectful words for Mitt Romney's speech on faith given today, saying "I believe his talk put that issue to rest."

When asked about the NIE report, Giuliani played down its conclusion that Iran stopped pursuing a nuclear weapon in 2003.

"It's an estimate – it's not scientific fact.," he said. "You have to read it carefully."

Giuliani argued that there is nothing in the report that he believes is a signal that Iran is not still pursuing a nuclear weapon, saying "I believe the words they used are moderately confident."

He alluded to the toppling of Saddam Hussein and Libya's relinquished effort to develop nuclear arms as reasons why Iran might have stepped back in 2003. "It illustrates that if you take the strong of being on offense rather than defense, it has an impact."

He added that it doesn't change the fact that Iran is still the "biggest state-sponsor of terrorism."

On why he is not doing as well in states like Iowa and New Hampshire compared to his large lead in Florida, the former mayor said, "In some states we have a bigger lead than Florida…I don't expect us to win every primary."

"You campaign the same way if you're twenty points ahead, like here in Florida, or eight points behind."

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