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Giuliani Campaign Continues At U. New Hampshire

This story was written by Jonathan D. Benton, The New Hampshire

Along with cold ears and knuckles this Dec. 1, the wind blew presidential hopeful Rudy Giuliani to a town meeting at the University of New Hampshire's Huddleston Hall.

Wearing a pink tie and U.S. flag pin on his lapel, Giuliani began the assembly discussing the recently resolved hostage situation at the Clinton campaign headquarters in Rochester, N.Y., and thanked the New Hampshire police involved for the way they handled the situation.

"It was a textbook case of how to do this right," Giuliani said.

After that he directed the meeting to discuss his commitment to lower tax rates.

"The corporate tax rates are higher in America then they are in France," he said.

Focusing his attention at the handful of UNH students peppered around the room, Giuliani said he had a reading assignment for students. The book is titled "Testimony," and it discusses the French government.

He had one of the spectators, who was wearing a sweater with horizontal stripes of red, white and blue, stand up.

"His shirt looks just like the cover of the book," Giuliani said with a pointed finger.

Students and supporters alike were thrilled to have Giuliani there in person.

"I just shook the hand of America's next president," said Steven Hunt, a junior and resident assistant.

Giuliani also took some pot shots at his democratic rivals.

"They overspend, overtax, over-regulate and over-sue," he said while he professed the need to reduce government spending and lower the inheritance tax and income tax.

"If anyone understands tax regulation it's the people in New Hampshire," Giuliani said.

In tune with UNH's strive toward sustainability on campus; he discussed the need for America to use more energy efficient resources.

"We haven't developed alternatives enough," Giuliani said.

Alternatives he mentioned were bio-fuels, hybrid vehicles and an increase in nuclear power plants. According to Giuliani only 20 percent of America runs on nuclear power and there has not been a licensing to make new plants in 30 years.

"I wish I had a chart with me," said Giuliani. "There is no sound byte or silver bullet to energy independence."

Raised hands filled the hall and the question of how to keep America safe from future terrorist attacks was the important topic.

"What precautions are being taken against countries like Iran?" asked one curious woman.

Giuliani put on his glasses to get a clear look at her and, after removing them, answered, "We have to be clear to them that they will not be a nuclear power."

According to Giuliani, It has been decided that Iran is run by an irresponsible regime and America will not allow them that technology.

The presidential hopeful also expressed that America needs a tighter homeland security, needs the patriot act, and needs to continue implementing tactics of "aggressive questioning."

According to Giuliani, America has had 20-23 thwarted attempts of terrorist attacks inside and outside the country due to being continually on the offensive. And he expressed the country should remain on the offensive as long as terrorism is involved. The crowd responded with raucous applause.
© 2007 The New Hampshire via U-WIRE

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