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Girl really learns to dance over course of a year

(CBS News) A lot of things can happen in the course of a year. Relationships and jobs might come and go during that time. Some students graduate from high school and college and a new batch of others will enter. And, as it turns out, a gal can really learn how to dance during that time. Watch the learning curve unfold right before your eyes in the very slick video above.

The dance transformation from beginning to end (with music by Justice and Dusty Brown) was posted on YouTube by Karen X. Cheng who writes to give thanks to some who helped:

Thank you, Pharside (@_pharside)
for infecting me with an obsession for dance
for teaching me so much of what I know
Thank you, C
for inspiring me to dance true to myself
for directing, editing, and filming this video
Way to go, Karen! I've got to say, watching that has totally inspired me to pursue some of my own put-off projects to see just how far I can come with them in the same time frame. (Dancing isn't one of the items on that list... yet.) Alright, getting back on track. If you'd like to learn more about or check out other work by Karen X. Cheng, definitely be sure to visit her website by clicking here.
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