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Get A Bikini-Worthy Body

Too busy planning that winter vacation to get in shape for it?

Then listen up!

Fitness expert Jennifer Nicole Lee had some quick and simple exercises to help you get back your bikini body, on The Early Show.

Lee is a mother of two who shed about 70 pounds after having her second child. It led to her winning the title of Ms. Bikini America, the first-ever Ms. Muscle and Fitness crown, and inspired Kirstie Alley's weight loss.

Lee is a personal trainer with an annual "Bikini Boot Camp" in South Beach, and a certified nutritionist and life coach.

According to Lee, there are three F's that equal an A in exercising. They are form, full range of motion, and focus. She says fitness is for everyone, at all levels. Work within your own capabilities to get better and stronger each day. And always bear in mind that the keys to weight loss are exercise and eating right.



For building long sleek muscle-aim for 3 Sets of 8-12 Reps. For Muscle Endurance aim for 3 Sets of 18-21 Reps.

PROBLEM AREA IT FIXES : She describes it as an "instant nip and tuck" to the booty area-lifting it up so that it LIFTS the derierre! This move solves that "saggy" booty that us women don't want at all! My JNL Booty Blaster gives you a "jaw-dropping" backside, full of curves and strength. Simply use ankle weights for added resistance.


For building long sleek muscle-aim for 3 Sets of 8-12 Reps. For Muscle Endurance aim for 3 Sets of 18-21 Reps.

PROBLEM AREA IT FIXES : Does your back of your leg just blend into your glute area? Do you want to add that "scoop" up at the top of your leg dissecting the booty from the leg? Then perform this exercise! This move is Lee-approved because it helps build a strong sexy backside with a simple yet effective move. It is efficient in that it can be done anywhere and it gives a whole new shape to your buns area - the backside is an essential part to workout for a Bikini Worthy Body!


For building long sleek muscle - aim for 3 Sets of 8-12 Reps. For Muscle Endurance aim for 3 Sets of 18-21 Reps.

PROBLEM AREA IT FIXES : Core, abs, hips, butt and all legs! This is super woman move, focusing on all problem areas from the waste down! Adding ankle weights adds resistance for extra sculpting. Squeeze at the top of this movement for added hip and butt tightening. The results" A shapely glute area that would look great in any Bikini!


For building long sleek muscle-aim for 3 Sets of 8-12 Reps. For Muscle Endurance aim for 3 Sets of 18-21 Reps.

PROBLEM AREA IT FIXES : The back of the leg that is prone to cellulite and being more "jiggley". Tighten and tone up your tush with the JNL Deadlift. My Deadlift is special because I concentrate more on the negative move-when you come up and have my clients ad a booty squeeze at the top to really tighten up the hips, inner thigh and glutes!


For building long sleek muscle-aim for 3 Sets of 8-12 Reps. For Muscle Endurance aim for 3 Sets of 18-21 Reps.

PROBLEM AREA IT FIXES : The Squat is an Old School, essential foundational exercise that can be performed with our without weights anywhere! The squat works on lifting, tightening, and toning the entire leg! Proper form is vital, do not let the knee go pasted the ankle. Your range of motion should be full-lowering down to where your hamstring is parallel to the floor.

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