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Friday round-up of some cool and clever music (Skrillex, scratching and more)

(CBS News) It's Friday which always means some music here at The Feed! Okay, okay, I know what some of you are thinking: where was the music last Friday? And I could go into a lengthy and boring explanation of what happened or I could just up the ante of the music this time... what's that? You're going with "up the ante"? Good choice. So let's kick things off with an a cappella cover of an Internet-favorite: Skrillex!

The unique dubstep cover was done by Dutch radio program 3FM who write about it:

3FM DJ Roosmarijn asked a Ducth choir to make an acapella version of 'Bangarang' by Skrillex. She got Dario Fo to sing it in her program 3VOOR12RADIO on wednesday the 20th of june.

Next up we have a great song mixed with a very clever visual element. Check out Moray McLaren's music video for the song "We Got Time".

What makes this video so unique and impressive is that all of the effects were done by camera and with no computer animation used. The director of the video, David Wilson, writes about how this was all done:

Using both praxinoscopes and the technique of matching up the frame rate of the spinning record to that of the camera, no computer super-imposing was used; what you see is what rolled off the camera. The transitions between each section of animation was created by simply cutting or wiping between the bits of footage.

And while we may have some more music for you later on today, we'll go ahead and finish up this post up with a feat of skill. Check out Mix Master Mike scratching like there's no tomorrow in the masterful performance below.

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