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Embalmers Await Call From Vatican

With the passing of Pope John Paul II, a Rome family is expecting a call from the Vatican to embalm his body.

The tradition, carried down from father to son, has for decades fallen to the Signoracci family, which was called to preserve the remains of the three popes before John Paul II.

"I am waiting for them to call," Massimo Signoracci, one of the family members, said in a phone interview Sunday. "We would be so happy if they did, it'd be a shame to stop the tradition."

Embalming aims to preserve remains and avoid the spread of infection. The practice dates back to ancient Egypt although techniques have changed over the centuries.

In a statement issued early Sunday, the Vatican said the pope's body was expected to be brought to St. Peter's Basilica no earlier than Monday afternoon to allow thousands to pay respects to the open coffin. John Paul died Saturday evening at 84, and his remains were on display Sunday morning for officials of the Roman Curia, authorities and the diplomatic corps.

Signoracci said that the Vatican call could come anytime, as the embalming would be necessary before the body is exposed for days.

Italian government officials have said that as many as 2 million people might pour into Rome to pay tribute to the pope, and it was expected that many of them, as well as tens of thousands of Romans, will want to view the body.

"It is a huge emotion to be near and work on someone so famous and loved," he said. "With somebody like the pope we are ready to do our best, like my relatives did before me."

Signoracci noted that embalming techniques consisted of intravenous injection of formaldehyde fluid for disinfection, as well as removing blood and other liquids from the body.

The Signoracci clan embalmed the remains of Popes John XXIII in 1963, and in 1978, Paul VI and John Paul I, who preceded John Paul II.

Italian daily Corriere della Sera reported that John XXIII's body, which was exhumed in 2001 to be transferred to St. Peter's Basilica 38 years after his death, was preserved in excellent condition.

According to Church procedures, John Paul's funeral will be held within four to six days following the pontiff's death Saturday evening.

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