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Scraps from 'Sein-off'
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The New York Daily News says it's picked up a tidbit about the big ``Seinfeld'' finale. Jerry Seinfeld had everyone at the taping of the final episode sign a vow of secrecy, but the News quotes a source from the taping as saying the May 14 show will involve the main characters confronted with the possibility that they maybe they have trouble maintaining adult relationships. Michael Richards' Kramer character reportedly panics Jerry by swallowing an irreplaceable apartment key.

Two Reagan Miniseries Brewing
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Television viewers may soon have their choice in Ronald Reagan miniseries -- the authorized story or the unauthorized version. The Los Angeles Times says ABC will air the unauthorized miniseries, which is based on a book by Nancy Reagan's former speechwriter Carl Anthony. The authorized movie hasn't been sold to a network yet. Co-producer Mark Sennet spent months courting Nancy Reagan to get her approval and says his product will be ``really their love story ... against this great political backdrop.''

Kilmer Lands in Iraq
BAGHDAD, Iraq (Reuters) - It's a long way from Hollywood to Baghdad, but Val Kilmer was in the Iraqi capital today on a humanitarian mission. Kilmer was among 23 volunteers from the group AmeriCares who landed with 38 tons of medicine as part of the first airlift of humanitarian aid from an American disaster relief group to Iraq since the 1991 Gulf War. ``I am happy to be here,'' the one-time Batman told reporters. ``I will assist AmeriCares in the distribution of these medicines to the needy in Iraq.''

Revived Addams Family
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - They'll still be creepy and kooky, mysterious and spooky, but Morticia and Gomez will be different in the next ``The Addams Family'' movie. Daryl Hannah and Tim Curry will be starring in the roles that Anjelica Huston and the late Raul Julia filled in the first two ``Addams Family'' feature films. The new movie will be seen on cable's Fox Family Channel, which makes its debut on Aug. 15. The Fox channel also is planning to premiere some other movies: ``Casper Meets Wendy'' with George Hamilton, Shelley Duvall and Teri Garr and ''Richie Rich: A Christmas Story.''

Rapper May Talk
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Rapper-actress Queen Latifah may extend her reign into the talk show world. Variety quotes sources that say Latifah (real name: Dana Owens) has been talking to a branch of Warner Bros. about a topical talk show for quite a while. Latifah started as a rapper but just finished a five-year run on Fox's ``Living Single'' sitcom and has been in the movies ``Jungle Fever,'' ``My Life'' and ``Set It Off.''

Cleese Lands on '3rd Rock'
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - John Cleese enjoyed his visit to ''3rd Rock From the Sun.'' The former ``Monty Python'' star joins John Lithgow in tonight's special episode and tomorrow night in th sitcom's regular time slot. ``It was the best TV experience I ever had,'' Cleese told USA Today. ``They take a very intelligent approach to doing comedy.'' Lithgow had urged ''3rd Rock'' director Terry Hughes, who used to direct ``Monty Python,'' to help recruit Cleese for the show. He agreed to appear after getting a look at the script and Lithgow called the experience ``pure comedy heaven.''

Stern to Speak Up
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Daniel Stern has another heard-but-not-seen job coming up. Stern will provide the voice of UPN's animated ``Dilbert'' series when the popular comic strip makes the transition to TV. The show is expected to hit the air by next January. Stern was the voice of the adult Kevin Arnold who narrated ``The Wonder Years'' during its ABC run.

From Clothes to Scripts
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Isaac Mizrahi is making an unusual crossover -- from fashion designer to Hollywood writer. Yesterday he sold a comedy script titled ``Wild About Harry'' to producers Barry Sonnefeld and Barry Josephson. Sonnefeld may direct and Mizrahi says he wants to star in it, according to Variety. Last week Dreamworks bought the rights to Mizrahi's three-part comic book ``The Adventures of Sandee the Supermodel.''

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