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Digesting The Debate

This column was written by CBS News Early Show Co-Anchor Harry Smith.

Sarah Palin got to be Sarah Palin Thursday night, and America got to see some of the spunk and fire that helped persuade John McCain to name her as his running mate.

Feisty she is, and not afraid to own where she's from. There's something admirable about that.

Joe Biden was careful not to be too Joe Biden. And he succeeded at not allowing himself to indulge in some of the rhetoric that in the past has gotten him in trouble.

This Joe Biden 3.0 comes with all the policy experience and little less of the trimmings.

For fans of both parties, there was plenty to like about their respective candidates' performances. Many of the pundits called it a draw.

But in the CBS overnight poll of undecided voters, Biden was the clear winner.

This morning I spoke with a former FBI profiler, Joe Navarro, who is an expert on body language. He said they both did well.

But while Palin came off mayoral, it was Biden who looked presidential.

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